Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
100% online self-paced
Study anywhere anytime
Fully clustered learning
Access to a range of readings and videos
Supported by experienced trainers
100% Online Self-Paced Learning
why you need this course
If you are looking to get your Builder License in VIC, QLD, NSW, ACT or SA, or if you are moving your career towards construction site supervisor, project manager or estimator, this is the right course for you. This course will give you essential knowledge and skills.
The CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) is the latest qualification for residential construction workers and domestic builders.
Take control of your own learning pace.
More realistic, but more simplified.
Access to detailed reading as well as more realistic videos.
Access to 24/7 online trainer support through discussion platform, email and phone.

Through this course, you will learn how to prepare construction contracts, plan building works, apply structural principles to residential and commercial low rise constructions, as well as, conduct on-site supervision of building and construction projects.
As part of your course, you will also explore managing small business finances, applying building codes and standards to the construction process, and producing estimated costs. The CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) course will cover the skills and knowledge required by professional builders in the building industry.
At least 18 years of age at time of enrolment*.
Have passed the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Test developed for this course (Test will be provided to your after application).
Online Self-Paced Learning
51 week.
The actual duration may vary depend on student's existing knowledge, experience and skills.
Total fee: $3,390.00
$1500 deposit at time of enrolment
$1,890 paid in accordance with the payment plan (direct debt will be set up) in first 7 months period after commencement.

Unit Code | Unit Name | Core/Elective |
CPCCBC4001 | Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 Buildings | Core |
CPCCBC4002 | Manage work health and safety in the building and construction workplace | Core |
CPCCBC4007 | Plan building or construction work | Core |
CPCCBC4008 | Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects | Core |
CPCCBC4009 | Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects | Core |
CPCCBC4010 | Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions | Core |
CPCCBC4012 | Read and interpret plans and specifications | Core |
CPCCBC4014 | Prepare simple building sketches and drawings | Core |
CPCCBC4018 | Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction projects | Core |
CPCCBC4021 | Minimise waste on the building and construction site | Core |
CPCCBC4053 | Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C Buildings | Core |
BSBPMG422 | Apply project quality management techniques | Elective |
CPCCBC4003 | Select, prepare and administer a construction contract | Elective |
CPCCBC4004 | Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects | Elective |
CPCCBC4005 | Produce labour and material schedules for ordering | Elective |
CPCCBC4006 | Select, procure and store construction materials for building and construction projects | Elective |
CPCCBC4013 | Prepare and evaluate tender documentation | Elective |
CPCCBC5019 | Manage building and construction business finances | Elective |
CPCSUS4002 | Use building science principles to construct energy efficient buildings | Elective |
A computer installed with an appropriate costing software, word processing software, webcam and internet access
Printer or printing services
Camera with photo and video recording capabilities
Pen, pencils, markers, highlighters, colouring materials, eraser, ruler, onion skin paper
Residential and commercial construction sites
3 volunteers (for simulation)
Origin Institute ensures that RPL and CT is offered to all applicants on enrolment, through an RPL/CT eligibility assessment.
RPL candidates are to provide current, quality evidence of their competency against the relevant unit of competency. This process may be directed by the candidate and verified by the assessor, such as in the compilation of portfolios; or directed by the assessor, such as through observation of workplace performance and skills application, and oral and/or written assessment. Where the outcomes of this process indicate that the candidate is competent, structured training is not required.
Please contact us for more details of RPL/CT.
It is Origin Institute's obligation to the learner, including that Origin Institute is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with these Standards, and for the issuance of the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) certification documentation.
Our Difference
Fully Clustered, so it's more Simplified
We offer fully clustered learning for building and construction course. Our clustered learning allows a more realistic application of the required knowledge and skill to demonstrate competency. Furthermore, the clustered learning simplifies the assessment process, so you will complete your course easier.
All Online and Self-Paced
We understand that many people in the building and construction industry have very limited time to attend classroom-based training but still long for a better career move or a builder license. At Origin Institute, we've designed a high quality training program to suit most people and provided the highest possible flexible program.
High Quality Learning Resources
Our learning resources are developed by builders together with many industry experts, so you will get high quality learning from our learning resources.
Good Value
Good price and good quality mean good value. Our course fees are all inclusive, which provide you access to:
learning material, including readings and range of videos,
online study portal​
trainer support
student email
free Microsoft Office365 online suit